Defining dashboards
Every page you look at in Golf Shot Analytics is a dashboard. There are a number of standard dashboards that you can change. And you can easily create your own dashboards. You can, for example, create dashboards about particular clubs or about particular types of metrics. To this end, click the edit icon (the pencil) in the toolbar at the top of the window, or select Define dashboards from the settings menu in the toolbar. The following dialog will be shown:

At the left there is the list of dashboards. Dashboards in bold are the standard dashboards. These cannot be deleted, but you can change them. Below the list there are buttons to add a dashboard, delete a dashboard (not standard) and change the order in which the dashboards are shown in the menu.
Next, there are some settings for the dashboard. First of all, you can indicate the name. Next you can indicate whether this is the home dashboard that is shown when pressing the home button in the toolbar. Below that, there are some options related to the selection bar. Normally, the selection bar is shown with all the selection options. But for some dashboards you might not want this. For example, if you create a dashboard about a particular club you do not want the club selection to be available. You can uncheck the parts that you do not want. If you uncheck all, no selection bar is shown (like for the Home dashboard).
A dashboard consists of a number of components. At the right there is a visual representation of the dashboard where each component is a colored rectangle. Click on a rectangle to change it. A menu appears with the following options:
- Add component. Only shown when there is no component yet. In the sub-menu you can select the component to add.
- Change component type. When there already is a component, use this to change the type of component.
- Change settings. Change the default settings for the component. For more information, see below.
- Split component. Split the component in two. This can be used to change the layout of the dashboard. See below for more information.
- Change split settings. Change the way the parent was split. See below for more information.
- Swap components. Swap the component with its neighbor.
- Delete component. Delete the component. The neigboring component will fill the area that is no longer used.
It is important that you understand the structure of a dashboard that defines the layout. It is basically a tree. The root represents the whole dashboard. This is split in two parts, either horizontally or vertically, that form the children of the root. These parts can again be split, and so on. The leaves of the tree are the components (or they are empty, which is not recommended). You can see the structure in the layout image.
If you click on a leaf component or area you have the option to split the leaf in two. A dialog is shown where you can indicate whether it should be split horizontal or vertical. Normally both parts have the same size, but you can indicate the relative sizes. For example, when you set the left size to 3 and the right size to 1, the left part will cover 3/4 of the area and the right part will cover 1/4. You can also give parts a fixed size. In this case, indicate the number of pixels, for example 200. Any size bigger than 20 is considered a fixed size. In this case the other part will cover the remaining area. You can also indicate that you want to add a splitter between the parts. In this case the user can change the relative sizes of the parts. The splitter is indicated with a red line in the image. Default there is no splitter. You can change the split settings later.
When you click the area between the components, you can change the split settings of that node in the tree. Also, you can swap the children.
Component settings
Each components has a number of settings. You can change these when defining the dashboards. But you can also change these when viewing the dashboard. There is a difference though. When defining the dashboard you change the default settings for the component in the dashboard. When viewing the dashboard you change the current settings. If you press the reset button while viewing the dashboard, the settings are reset to the default settings you defined.
Most components have general settings that control what is shown, data settings that can limit the shot data that is used using a filter, and appearance settings that control what the component looks like. For more information, see the help on components.
There are some advanced settings that are only available when defining the dashboard.
- Allow editing of settings When switched off, the settings cannot be changed when viewing the dashboard.
- Make it possible to pop-out the component. When checked, the component menu will have an item to pop-out the component, that is, create a separate window for it.
- Respond to metric1/metric2 selection. For some components, like correlation matrix, when the user clicks on a metric, a message is sent to the other components. Such components can then change what metric they show. When you switch this off the component will not react to metric messages.
- Respond to club/shot/session selection. This works in the same way for selection of a club (e.g. in a club table) a shot (e.g. in a shot table or the driving range), and a session (e.g. in the session table).
At the bottom right of the dialog there is a button Actions. Here you can perform a number of powerful actions:
- Clear dashboard. Clears the selected dashboard, going back to the initial situation with four empty component regions.
- Duplicate dashboard. Create a duplicate copy of the selected dashboard.
- Reset dashboard. Reset the dashboard to its default state. This only applies to the standard dashboards.
- Reset all default dashboards. This resets all standard dashboards to their default state.
- Import dashboard. Import a dashboard that you exported before. You are asked for a file name for the dashboard.
- Export dashboard. You can export a dashboard definition to a JSON file. You can then give this to other users. We might also make some nice dashboards available in the download section of the website. You can also use this to copy a dashboard to a different profile. Export it in one profile and import it in the other.