
When you are training you normally have certain objectives. For example, you want to hit your drivers straight and further than 200 yards. Or you want to have a very short roll distance for your wedges. The objectives component lets you define such objectives. Each objectives component has its own objectives. So you can add different objectives components for different types of objectives.

Each objective has a name and applies to a particular club or club set. 

An objective has three conditions. One for when the shot is considered good, one when it is considered fair and one when it is considered poor. The remaining shots are considered bad. For example, a good shot might have a total distance of more than 200, a fair shot more than 180, a poor shot more than 160 and a bad shot less than 160.

The objectives component shows the objectives in a table. For each objective it shows the club, the name, the number of shots in the selected period, the quality, with green meaning good, yellow fair, orange poor, and red bad. Also, it is shown how this compares with the previous period.

Defining objectives

To define or change objectives, click the edit icon on the title bar. A dialog pops up where you can specify the objectives. 

At the left you see the list of defined objectives. At the bottom there are buttons to add an objective, delete a selected objective, and move a selected objective up and down in the list. They will appear in the given order in the component.

When you select an objective, you can change the name that is shown and the club that it applies to. You can either select a club name, a club type, or a club set, like all woods, hybrids, irons, or wedges. You can define your own club sets in the settings.

Below this there are the conditions that the shot must satisfy to be good, fair, or poor. Each is a formula that should result in a Boolean value (true or false). For example, for the good condition you can use TotalDistance >= 200. Similar for the other conditions. For more information, see the help on formulas. You are recommended to also read the help on filters, as objectives are very similar to filters. There is a button to test the conditions. Use this to make sure you did not make any mistakes. Finally press Save to save your objectives. 

You do not have to fill in all conditions. For example, if you only provide a formula for the good condition, the shots will be divided in good and bad, and the bar will only show a green and a red area.


The objectives component has a number of settings that you can change by clicking the settings icon in the title bar.

  • Name. The name of the component. 
  • Title. The title shown in the title bar.
  • Define objectives. Define the objectives, as indicated above.
  • Period. The period over which the shots are considered. This can be the last 7, 30, 90,  or 180 days, the last year, or all times.
  • Show. What to show in the bars: the percentage of shots, the number of shots, or nothing.
  • Show the trend. When checked and there are shots in the previous period, the trend is shown with an upward or downward arrow or an equal sign.
  • Data. Here you can define a filter in the form of a formula. Only shots that satisfy the filter are taken into account.
  • Appearance. Here you can change the font size used for the cells and the headers, and whether they should be bold.

Note that there are buttons to reset the settings to the default (as defined in the dashboard) and to copy the settings (including the objectives) from another objectives component.