Frequency chart

R10 Analytics Correlation Charts

Frequency chart components give you information about the frequency of certain values for a metric. At the bottom of the chart you see the different value intervals. The vertical bars represent the percentage of shots in that interval. You can also have categories rather than intervals. For example, you can use the club type or shot type as  metric. In this case for each different club type or shot type, the percentage of shots is shown.

If you hold the left mouse button while hovering over the chart you will get more precise values.

The chart has a menu in the right of the title bar. Here you have the following options:

  • Select metric. There is also an icon for this in the title bar. Here you can select the metric you want to show in the chart. Select the metric in the list and press OK.
  • Save as PNG image. Save an image of the chart in a PNG file.
  • Change settings. Change the settings. See below.
  • Pop-out. Pop-out the chart as a separate window.


The frequency chart component has a number of settings that you can change by clicking the settings icon in the title bar.

  • General
    • Name. The name of the component. 
    • Title. The title shown in the title bar. When you leave this empty, the metric name  is shown in the title bar.
    • Metric. Select the metric to show in the chart.
    • Use absolute value. Use the absolute value of the metric. So you e.g. see the absolute deviation distance.
    • Display. Whether to show the percentages, or the number of shots.
  • Data. Here you can define a filter in the form of a formula. Only shots that satisfy the filter are taken into account in the chart.
  • Appearance
    • Use wide bars. Check this if you prefer wider bars that touch each other.
    • Use alternating colors. If checked bars will use alternating colors. Otherwise they all use the same color.
    • Show the bar values. When checked the values are shown above the bars.
    • For the other appearance settings, see the help on charts.

Note that there are buttons to reset the settings to the default (as defined in the dashboard) and to copy the settings from another frequency chart component.