
    There are a number of chart components, like the club chart, progress chart, frequency chart, and so on. These all have a number of common options and settings. In the menu at the right of the title bar you normally have the following items:

    • Select metric. There is also an icon for this in the title bar. Here you can select the metric you want to show in the chart. Select the metric in the list and press OK.
    • Save as PNG image. Save an image of the chart in a PNG file.
    • Change settings. Change the settings.
    • Pop-out. Pop-out the chart as a separate window.

    Appearance settings

    All charts have appearance settings that you can change under the settings. Most have the following settings:

    • Fill the chart background. Whether to use a gradient fill for the background.
    • Color. The color to use in the chart. Default uses the default color of the interface, but you can change this.
    • Font size. The font size used in the chart. Font will though always be reduced to fit the texts.
    • X-axis settings. Here you can change the settings for the horizontal x-axis.
      • Show axis title. Whether to show the name of the axis (e.g. the metric).
      • Show axis. Whether to show the axis itself and the ticks.
      • Show labels. Whether to show the labels, that is, the values or categories.
      • Show grid lines. Whether to show the vertical grid lines for the ticks.
      • Ticks. Indicate how the tick values are computed. Default this is automatic, based on the metric values. You can however change this. You can set the minimum value, the maximum value, and the tick size. For example, if you want the axis to always start at 0, set the minimum to 0. And for more precision you can decrease the tick size. Tick setting is not available when the axis represents categories, like club names.
    • Y-axis settings. These are the same settings for the vertical y-axis.

    Specific chart might have additional appearance settings.