Distribution chart

R10 Analytics Correlation Charts

Distribution chart components give you information on how the values for a metric for the different shots are distributed. This will help you answer questions like, What is the chance that I hit an almost straight shot. Or what is the change that I hit my driver more than 200 yards. At the bottom of the chart you see the different value intervals. Each interval contains 10% of the shots. In the settings you can choose between three kind of graphs.

  • Probability density. This is also called a normalized distribution. It shows a bell curve. The top of the curve is at the average value. The area below the curve indicates the probability that a shot has that value for the metric. This area is divided in 10 regions, each representing 10% of the shots. The more narrow the bell curve is, the more consistent are your shots.
  • Cumulative. In this chart the vertical axis represents the chance that a shot value is smaller than the indicated value. This can be used to e.g. see the percentage of your shots that have a small distance.
  • Subtractive. Similar to the previous one but in this case it shows the chance that a shot value is larger than the indicated value. This can be used to e.g. see the percentage of your shots that have a large distance.

If you hold the left mouse button while hovering over the chart you will get more precise values. Which values are shown depend on the kind of chart.

The chart has a menu in the right of the title bar. Here you have the following options:

  • Select metric. There is also an icon for this in the title bar. Here you can select the metric you want to show in the chart. Select the metric in the list and press OK.
  • Save as PNG image. Save an image of the chart in a PNG file.
  • Change settings. Change the settings. See below.
  • Pop-out. Pop-out the chart as a separate window.


The distribution chart component has a number of settings that you can change by clicking the settings icon in the title bar.

  • General
    • Name. The name of the component. 
    • Title. The title shown in the title bar. When you leave this empty, the metric name  is shown in the title bar.
    • Metric. Select the metric to show in the chart.
    • Kind. The kind of chart to show: probability, cumulative, or subtractive.
    • Use absolute value. Use the absolute value of the metric. So you e.g. see the absolute deviation distance.
  • Data. Here you can define a filter in the form of a formula. Only shots that satisfy the filter are taken into account in the chart.
  • Appearance

Note that there are buttons to reset the settings to the default (as defined in the dashboard) and to copy the settings from another distribution chart component.