Built-in columns

Each shot has a number of columns, or metrics.  Which columns are available depends on the device you use.

Note that when the value for a metric is missing, this will be set to 0. This in particular happens to club metrics that are not always measured by the devices. This can influence your averages, for example, in the club table component. In such component there is a setting to ignore values that are 0.

The following columns are available in some devices:


  • Date The date for the shot
  • Time The time for the shot
  • Club Name The name of the club. Often this is the same as the Club Type
  • Club Type The type of the club, e.g., Driver, 7 Iron, Pitching Wedge
  • Video Url Url (or filename) of the associated video
  • Driving Range Name of the driving range used (only for R10)
  • Tags Tags that you added to the shot (comma-separated list)

Distance and height

  • Carry Distance Distance to where the ball lands on the ground
  • Total Distance Distance to where the ball ends up
  • Roll Distance Difference between Total Distance and Carry Distance
  • Apex Height Maximal height of the ball during flight
  • Decent Angle Angle under which the ball lands
  • Flight Time The total time of the ball flight
  • Carry Deviation Angle Horizontal angle between the straight line and the place the where the ball lands
  • Total Deviation Angle Horizontal angle between the straight line and the place the where the ball ends up
  • Carry Deviation Distance Lateral distance between the straight line and the place the where the ball lands
  • Total Deviation Distance Lateral distance between the straight line and the place the where the ball ends up
  • Carry Curve Distance  Lateral distance between the direction of the shot and the place the where the ball lands
  • Total Curve Distance  Lateral distance between the direction of the shot and the place the where the ball ends up
  • Shot Type Type of shot, like Draw, Straight, Pull, Push (values depend on the device)


  • Vertical Launch Angle Vertical angle under which the ball is launched
  • Horizontal Launch Angle Horizontal angle under which the ball is launched
  • Ball Speed The speed of the ball at launch
  • Smash Factor Ball Speed divided by Club Head Speed


  • Back Spin The backwards spin
  • Side Spin The sidewards spin
  • Spin Rate The total spin
  • Spin Axis The axis around which the spin happens
  • Spin Loft Angle between the direction the club head is moving and the direction the club face is pointing
  • Dynamic Loft Amount of loft on the club face at impact
  • Spin Method How the spin was obtained (Measures, Estimated, Unknown)


  • Club Head Speed Speed of the club head at moment of impact
  • Attack Angle Vertical angle of motion of club at moment of impact
  • Club Lie The angle the bottom of the club makes with respect to the grounf
  • Club Path Angle Horizontal angle of motion of club at moment of impact
  • Club Face Angle Angle of the club face with respect to the line to the target
  • Face To Path Angle of the club face with respect to the club path
  • Low Point The distance between the lowest point of the swing and the ball
  • Swing Plane Tilt The tilt of the plane in which you swing the club and the vertical plane in front of you
  • Swing Plane Rotation The rotation of the plane in which you swing with respect to the plane in front of you
  • Back Swing Time Time for the back swing (only R10)
  • Down Swing Time Time for the down swing (only R10)
  • Swing Tempo Down Swing Time divided by Back Swing Time
  • Lateral Impact The horizontal position of impact of the ball on the club with respect to the sweet spot
  • Vertical Impact The vertical position of impact of the ball on the club with respect to the sweet spot